Since I’ve been home, I haven’t been able to keep anything down really. I’ll eat and it’ll come back up. I hiccup, it comes back up. I’ve been fighting this for a few days now and have been in and out of the ER for a few days. Tonight, they did another CT scan and found another high grade bowel blockage. They’ll need to transfer me out. Again. They’ll probably have to do surgery, again. The problem is no one has any beds available right now. Everyone in the entire region, was full. Luckily a spot opened up again at St Mary’s so they at least know my schedule and attitude. I have lost that high dolla view too!! I went from 18 to floor 12 and am not facing the lake anymore.

Once up here, they took a look at everything and found it’s just a bowel blockage. It wasn’t caused by surgery or really anything. The small intestines are just angry with me is what it boils down to. I have two options: 1) Get a G Tube installed or 2) Just let things settle down. The surgery staff think the G Tube is the way because if I get feeling sicky or something like that…I can vent it and continue going on with life. I’m sure there’s A LOT of things with them that I’ll suck. As for option 2, I’m not opposed to just letting my body heal naturally.

I did meet with the docs a little bit ago. They shut off my NG tube and now we’re watching it. If there’s no further issues, they’ll take it out this afternoon or tomorrow morning right away! Hopefully, I’ll be up here for just a day or two. Once I can eat without puking 4-12 hours later, then I’ll be back home soon enough.

Thanks everyone. I know it’s not the news you all probably wanted to hear.

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