Hey guys! This is Danika, Tucker’s little sister. Tucker wanted me to make an update on his behalf. It’s been a busy few days for him. As you know, Tucker has not been able to eat anything without vomiting and experiencing extreme pain, and he made the decision to go through with a surgery that would make him more comfortable. On Tuesday morning, Tucker went into surgery to remove scar tissue and tumor mass in an attempt to free up his small bowel. The surgeon said the entire bowel was frozen in place with scar tissue and tumor mass, and he worked inch-by-inch to cut the bowel free. The surgery took eight hours and required two trauma surgeons and a trauma surgery resident to complete. The great news is that, while this is only a temporary measure, the surgeon truly believes Tucker will be able to eat again and have a better quality of life. The not-so-good news is that during the surgery, Tucker aspirated and needed to be placed on a ventilator. He remained on the ventilator until Thursday morning when we got to visit him in the ICU. Since then, the breathing tube has been removed and he is alert and getting closer to being the stubborn and sassy Tucker we are all used to. While this is great news, he still has a long road ahead of him. He will hopefully transfer out of the ICU to the oncology floor here in Duluth, where he will work toward eating real food and removing some of the many tubes he has in place now. Thank you all so incredibly much for the support you have shown him throughout this difficult journey, and I hope to continue sharing good news with you over the next few days.
Update: Tucker has moved to the oncology floor!🥳 They gave him great care during the last hospital stay, and he’s excited to be out of the ICU.
Wow! Thats awesome! Thank you so much for sharing his progress! I have hoping to see a positive update! Once Tucker can eat he will feel so much better! Thats great! Positive vibes and many prayers go out to him!!!!
Awesome!! From all of us at BTSO! Prayers for better and better progress!!!!
Greetings from Central Wisconsin/Wood County ARES/RACES. Doing a bit of catchup on how you are doing. Sorry to read about a change in your journey. Prayers continuing for you, Tucker.