It’s been a long day here and unfortunately I’m still here in Duluth. Pretty short update because not much has happened.
I had some output in my stoma this morning which is a good sign that things are moving again. I’ve been visited by the Surgery and Pain departments a few times today.
Surgery isn’t hearing much movement in my bowels right now so the plan is to reassess in the morning. Once they start hearing movement, they’ll pull my NG tube out and see how I’m doing after that. In my defense, I’m only allowed ice chips and it pretty much gets sucked out right when I eat them so I’m not sure if they’ll even hear anything? They’re the experts though.
Pain Dept is constantly readjusting my meds today to find me the best level of comfort for me. We haven’t found the right mix yet but luckily I’m able to sleep on a lot of them which is great because I don’t feel pain when I’m sleeping. I will admit it’s nice having them in house so decisions can be made quickly vs waiting several days normally.
They’ll continue to monitor me throughout the night and reassess in the morning. Let’s hope things change overnight so I can bust out of here and go home. I miss home so much. Thanks everyone for the texts, I appreciate it. I do ask to not call me as I’m usually sleeping but it’s hard to talk with the tube in my throat. I’ll post another update tomorrow.