Been a few days since an update, so I figured I’d post one. No news is good news, right?

I’ve been making huge strides since the last post. I’ve still been eating semi normally but the biggest thing is I am off of ALL of the IV drugs, just oral stuff now. This is critical for two reasons. One, I can get up and move out of bed on my own now without having to drag an IV pole around. Two? It’s one of those final steps to getting out of the hospital! Since I can take my meds without IV pumps, I don’t have to rely on the hospital! Discharge is imminent and I can’t wait for that day so I can relax at home for a change. Healing will always be better at home.

Other than that, not a whole lot has changed around here. The nurses haven’t gotten too fed up with me so that’s good. The surgery and pain teams are on the ball here and listen to what I’m saying and react well.

Thanks again to everyone who has said things or even stopped by, it certainly makes things go by quick!

I’m hoping my next update to everyone is from my own couch!!! ☺️ – Tucker

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