Today has been a really good day. I slept so good last that I fell asleep face first onto my bed side fan lol. That’s how I knew today was gonna be the start of a great day! I did meet with the surgical NP. The surgical hole started draining fluids last night several times so they called her up to look at it. Looks good! They flushed it out and talked to the surgeon on transitioning me to pain meds that aren’t IV….just doing oral like I was doing at home. If I don’t have to do IV pain meds, I don’t have to stay here basically. Pain doctor said let’s give it a go!!
I’ve also had A LOT of ostomy output which is good…bag almost blew this morning (TMI I’m sure). In addition, I’ve been drinking a crap ton of water because I’ve felt SO thirsty which I think can only imagine is a good thing. I did eat a Popsicle and didn’t puke it up. Haven’t puked in a day or two!! Weird gut bubble is going away so I talked to the surgeon NP about that. I also did some jello and that went fine too so she agreed to let me go back to a normal diet, as long as I don’t over due things. I think I can handle it, I don’t want to go backwards. They also pulled out my bladder pee tube so that’s another thing I’m doing on my own again, thankfully! Every time they pull that out of me though, it sucks. This time, the securing tape to my leg hurt more coming off than the actual pull of the catheter.
I also started some OT in the bed today too. Keith from SLFD also stopped by this morning and I can’t appreciate him enough for the visits and keeping me in the loop on Shell Lake happenings.
I think that’s about it. Let’s hope things keep going upward!!
That’s so good. I know everyday is a battle, but one day at a time. Best thing I’ve heard today